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Skimboarding on St. George’s Virgin River


Who knew that those of us who love St. George’s southern Utah desert but also crave some of the fun of the ocean’s surf can indulge in skimboarding right here on our own Virgin River? Granted, inland skimboarding is not the same as the popular ocean skimboarding (check out these links for ocean versus inland: and However, skimming across the Virgin River water can still provide an adequate fix for the inland surfer.


My family was introduced to the sport after my son made his own skim board in a shop class at Desert Hills Middle School. A little incredulous at the idea of “surfing” on the river, we went down and watched the kids have a blast skimming across ankle deep water. Within a week, with the help of their now “expert” brother, all my kids had constructed their own boards. There we were just south of Pineview Estates at the bend in the river overlooking Washington Fields, getting sunburned, playing in the water and enjoying our version of desert surfing along with a bunch of other enthusiasts.



We now look forward each year to the skim boarding competition right here in our beautiful St. George. The City of St. George hosts it and there are divisions for all ages. We’ve never competed, but it is still fun to go and watch the skill and enjoy the sun. This year’s event is coming up soon on July 12th. Here is a link to the site:

We love that these kinds of events are right here in the backyard of our neighborhood. And we are often surprised by the variety of activities at our doorstep.  We would love to help you discover the amazing life our community has to offer. Check us out online or call us at:



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