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Life Changes: Divorce (marriage counseling)

Getting Divorced in Utah: Is Marriage Counseling Required?

counselingMarriage counseling is not required to get a divorce in Utah. However, if there are contested issues, the state of Utah requires at least one mediation session in an attempt to resolve the disputed issues.

The two parties are responsible to find and pay a mediator who is qualified on the ADR Court Roster to provide divorce mediation. Find mediators in your area by clicking here or call the Divorce Mediation Hotline at 1-800-620-6318.

If you cannot afford a mediator, you can apply for financial assistance. Contact Bart MacKay at (435) 986-5754, the Divorce Mediation Help Line at 1-800-620-6318 or download the form at

Some cases can be excused from mediation. Examples of reasons parties may be excused are: the level of conflict between the parties, one or both parties do not feel safe or able to fully express themselves in a mediation process, and others as determined by the Court, The ADR Office or a Court Qualified Mediator (Utah Courts). An application must be submitted to be excused from mediation. It can be downloaded at

Mediation can help avoid the more adversarial venue of court to negotiate terms of the divorce. This can especially be helpful when children and child custody issues are involved. Some of the other benefits outlined by Utah Courts are as follows:

  1. You participate directly in resolving disputes
  2. Your case often resolves more quickly
  3. Mediation is less expensive
  4. Hopefully, your relationship with your former spouse will be strengthened
  5. Mediation is less stressful than court.

Good luck in your search for answers. I hope this is helpful.

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**I am not an attorney and am in no way trying to give legal advice or practice law. The information on this website is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact an attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem.

 Two attorneys in St. George, Utah that practice family law are Sam Draper and Adam Caldwell. The primary source for information on this site has been the Utah Courts Website.

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