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Celebrate Freedom with the Blue Angels

U.S. Navy Photo

In the busy, day-to-day fray of life, I fear we sometimes forget to express gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy here in our great country. I am grateful for the holidays like Memorial Day, Veterans Day and the Fourth of July that cause us to stop, acknowledge and remember the freedoms we enjoy and the price that has been paid by so many people for us to live and prosper in this country.

In July, the Navy’s Blue Angels will be making a return trip to St. George. (July 25-27). The entire show is fun to see, and you can’t help but be amazed by the skill of the pilots and different aircraft that comes to the show. But I am also reminded of when they came two years ago and were doing practice runs through the skies of St. George prior to the show. I don’t know if all of St. George experienced the same pre-show thrill or if it was just the location of our home that seemed to get several fly-bys, but just hearing them fly above my head put a lump in my throat. If you will indulge me for a moment, I have to express my gratitude to the people throughout history who have had the vision and courage to stand up for what they believe—the people who knew the beauty of living in a country that affords freedom of expression and thought.

So the Blue Angels are in St. George and what better way to celebrate America in the month of July than by
going and seeing the elite Navy pilots demonstrate the glamorous side of serving in the armed forces.


For selling or buying a home, feel free to contact us:

Chris at 435-313-3966


Other informative links for Blue Angels and their show in St. George

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